Legal information on data protection

This policy is designed to provide transparency into our privacy practices. In accordance with article 13 of the European General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 (henceforth GDPR), this privacy policy explains how we collect your information, what we use it for, with whom we share it, and how we safeguard it. This applies to when you visit our website and related pages, when you collaborate with us, when you request information about our products or make a purchase from us, and when you enter into contract with us for other reasons.

Our aim is to create and maintain the basis for a trusting business relationship with our customers and prospects. The confidentiality and integrity of your personal data is top priority for us.


Responsible party

SOAL Marine, Box 34, SE-311 06 Heberg, Sweden, is responsible for collecting, processing and safeguarding data for the companies included in the SOAL Marine group, Spectre, Kraka and Natt.


Information we may collect

The GDPR law specifies certain ‘lawful bases’ for which we are allowed to use your personal data, including details like your name, date of birth, address, contact information. If you are undergoing training with Spectre Marine, we may need health information too. Most commonly, we will rely on one or more of the following lawful bases for processing your personal data:

  • Where it is necessary for efficient and timely communication between us and you in connection with your inquiry or order;
  • Where it is necessary for the performance of the contract; i.e. when we need to collect the information to provide the training or vessel that you are purchasing, and the service to which you are entitled under the agreement with us;
  • Where it is necessary for purchase of other services from third party suppliers, for example in connection with training trips or maintenance and service;
  • Where it is necessary for compliance with a legal or fiscal obligation to which we are subject;
  • Where it is necessary for compliance with customer safety and security;
  • Where it is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party (including accountants, banking institutions, fiscal agencies, professional associations and companies that assist with auditing, project management and due diligence), except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of our customers.


How we use your information

Having accurate information about you allows us to give you a smooth, efficient and customized experience, for example to:

– Communicate with you;
– Carry out orders, fulfill products and services;
– Process payments and refunds;
– Offer new products, services or recommendations;
– Prevent fraudulent transactions, monitor against theft and protect against criminal activity;
– Send newsletters or other relevant information.


Storing your data

We utilise state-of-the-art technology to store your personal data. The data will be stored only as long as required for the intended purpose. If data is processed for multiple purposes, it will be deleted, or only stored in a form that cannot be directly traced back to you, as soon as no longer needed for the final specified purpose.


Sharing your data

We may share information we have collected about you in certain situations. Your information may be disclosed as follows:

  • By Law or to Protect Rights. If we believe the release of information about you is necessary to respond to legal process, including exchanging information with other entities for fraud protection and credit risk reduction as well as airport and port authorities, customs and immigration institutions;
  • Third-Party Service Providers. We may share your information with third parties that perform services for us or on our behalf, including payment processing, email delivery, and any establishments we need to use on the ground to fulfill your trip, service or purchase.
  • Affiliates. We may share your information with our affiliates, in which case we will require those affiliates to honor this Privacy Policy;
  • Business Partners. We may share your information with our business partners to fulfill our legal and fiscal obligations as well as to offer you certain products or services.


Data Retention and Consent Reversal

At any moment you may exercise any and all other rights, as applicable in Articles 15 to 22 of the EU GDPR, namely the right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure or “to be forgotten”, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to object by contacting SOAL Marine.

If you would like to know what information we have on file or to have us delete all your information, we will do so upon request. For more information or to report any violation, please e-mail with the subject: Personal Data Request.